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Business Continuity Planning

Analyze and provide solutions to critical questions

We work with you to understand your business and provide solutions.

  • What should be the  business strategy and best model to counter disasters?

  • What should be planned for Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery? 

  • What are the alternatives and associated costs?

  • How to prioritize essential services?

  • What should your business be prepared for?

  • What should be design architecture, scalable & modular approach and efficient solutions?                                 

  • What should be functional/ technical requirement?

  • How and what type of solution providers should be  selected?

  • What should be performance SLAs?

  • How will future operations will be managed and the team size?


Our team with its number of years of experience, expertise and in-depth of knowledge in the field of Business Continuity planning provides complete and holistic view to enable the client in making informed decisions related to business, management and technical aspects. Our team would help the client in achieving the desired outcome and objective in systematic and timely manner.

Expertise in Industry Leading Practices

Project Management Life Cycles (PMLC), System Development Life Cycles (SDLC), Data Centre and Network architectures, Engineering, Management and Operations, BCP/DR frameworks and lifecycle processes, IT Governance and Controls (COBIT), Risk Management , Service Management (ITIL).

End-to-End Flexible Methodology

Our methodology leverages industry frameworks spanning business, project, and technical lifecycle processes. It provides a framework for planning, designing, and successfully implementing BCP initiatives, across all key areas of technology, business process, governance, operations and support

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